Wild at heart book quote
Wild at heart book quote

wild at heart book quote wild at heart book quote wild at heart book quote

So I’ll admit that I was very intimidated to meet Joan Halifax. If you listened to the podcast with Elizabeth Lesser, this is the gathering space that she runs and has operated for many, many years, and it’s just an incredible… One of my favorite places. We were doing an event together at the Omega Institute in New York. So I thought I’d spend a few minutes with you talking about what strong back, soft front, and wild heart really means, and hopefully these words are helpful to you too.īB: So the first time I heard the term “strong back, soft front,” it was from Joan Halifax. Those words are: “Strong back, soft front, wild heart.” These words breathe something into me that make me kind of straighten up and take a deep breath and keep doing the next right thing. And the only thing I could offer her right now are the words that I often whisper to myself when I feel wobbly and worried. I’m just feeling a swirl of uncertainty, anxiety, and definitely a lot of stubborn hope as well.īB: I was texting with my daughter, who’s 21, and she is navigating the election, she is navigating her senior year in college, which looks very different than I think what she had planned or what she had hoped for, and just going through a lot of kind of hard new grown-up stuff. This is going to drop tonight, or I guess tomorrow morning at on November 4th, and I have no idea what tonight or tomorrow will hold, none of us do, no crystal ball, not even a great gut on how the election will turn out. Brené Brown: Hi, everyone, I’m Brené Brown, and this is Unlocking Us.īB: So I’m recording this on Tuesday, November 3rd, Election Day, and I spent the morning thinking about what I could possibly say to you, this amazing whole-hearted community of listeners.

Wild at heart book quote